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Séminaire Numerics - " Let's connect artificial and intelligences " François RIVET, 18 octobre 2023

Le séminaire transdisciplinaire Numerics, sur la culture scientifique et les enjeux sociétaux du numérique, vous accueille avec une cadence hebdomadaire, les mercredis de 12h45 à 13h45. Ces séminaires sont ouverts à tous.

Amphi du LaBRI, Bâtiment A30 Campus Peixotto

Le Graduate Program Numerics vous propose le séminaire

Let's connect artificial and intelligences 
François RIVET (IMS)
mercredi 18 octobre à12h45 à l'amphi du LaBRI, Bâtiment A30 Campus Peixotto

Who remembers a world without cell phones and the Internet? Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) have made it possible to democratize communications with ever greater data exchanges. At the IMS laboratory, we invent the technology and systems that allow us to increase the communication potential from one generation to the next tenfold: goodbye 4G, we are making 5G with 6G in our sights and even beyond. What more can we connect and how? Get ready for the revolution where human and artificial intelligences will communicate in tomorrow's networks with integrated circuits we will invent now.


Biographie de l'intervenant, François RIVET :
Francois Rivet (Senior Member, IEEE) received the master’s and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Bordeaux in 2005 and 2009, respectively. Since June 2010, he has been a tenured Associate Professor with Bordeaux Institute of Technology (Bordeaux INP). His research is focused on the design of RFICs with the IMS Laboratory, the microelectronics laboratory of the University of Bordeaux. In 2014, he founded the Circuits and Systems Research Team. He has publications in top ranked journals, international conferences, national conferences, and holds 17 patents. He is a member of several Technical Program Committees, such as RFIC and ESSCIRC. He is also a member of several Steering Committees, such as RFIC, ICECS, and LASCAS. He received the Best Paper Award at Software Defined Radio Forum, Washington DC, USA, in 2008, Journées Nationales Micro-ondes in 2015 and 2017, and LASCAS, Arequipa, Peru, in 2021.